Rev Up Your Fitness with the 12 3 30 Treadmill Workout

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Thank you for visiting my blog on “12 3 30 Treadmill Workout“. I have dedicated a considerable amount of time to researching and compiling this comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision.

In this blog post, You will read:

  • What is the 12 3 30 workout?
  • How does the 12 3 30 workout work?
  • Incorporating 12 3 30 treadmill workout into your fitness routine
  • Tips for getting the most out of the 12 3 30 workout
  • 12 3 30 Treadmill Workout: FAQs

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If you’re looking for a simple yet effective way to get fit, the 12 3 30 workout might just be what you need. This workout routine has gained popularity in recent years, thanks to its simplicity and effectiveness. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what the 12 3 30 workout is all about, and how you can use it to achieve your fitness goals.

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What is the 12 3 30 workout?

The 12 3 30 is a cardio-based workout routine that involves walking on a treadmill. The name of the workout comes from the three numbers that make up the routine:

  • 12: This refers to the incline level of the treadmill, which should be set at 12%.
  • 3: This refers to the speed of the treadmill, which should be set at 3 mph.
  • 30: This refers to the duration of the workout, which should be 30 minutes.

The workout was created by Lauren Giraldo, a social media influencer and fitness enthusiast. She came up with the routine as a way to stay active and healthy without spending too much time or money on a gym membership.

How does the 12 3 30 workout work?

The 12 3 30 workout is a low-impact cardio workout that is designed to burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, and tone your lower body. The combination of the high incline and moderate speed of the treadmill makes for a challenging workout that will get your heart rate up and your muscles working.

To perform the workout, you simply set the incline level to 12%, the speed to 3 mph, and walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes. It’s important to maintain the same pace and incline level throughout the entire workout to get the full benefits of the routine.

What are the benefits of 12 3 30 workout?

The 12-3-30 workout has several benefits that make it a great choice for anyone looking to improve their fitness level. Here are some of the top benefits of this workout:

1. Burns calories

The 12 3 30 workout is an effective way to burn calories and lose weight. Walking on an incline burns more calories than walking on a flat surface, and the moderate speed of the workout ensures that you’ll be burning calories at a steady rate throughout the 30-minute workout.

2. Improves cardiovascular health

The 12 3 30 workout is a cardio-based workout that is great for improving cardiovascular health. Walking on an incline challenges your heart and lungs, helping to improve your overall cardiovascular fitness.

3. Tones lower body muscles

The high incline of the treadmill in the 12 3 30 workout puts extra stress on your lower body muscles, including your calves, quads, and glutes. This makes the workout a great choice for toning and strengthening these muscles.

4. Low-impact

The 12 3 30 workout is a low-impact workout, which means it puts less stress on your joints than high-impact workouts like running. This makes it a great choice for anyone who wants to exercise without putting too much strain on their joints.

How to incorporate the 12 3 30 treadmill workout into your fitness routine

12 3 30 treadmill workout

If you’re interested in trying the 12 3 30 workout, here’s how you can incorporate it into your fitness routine:

  1. Find a treadmill: You can perform the workout on any treadmill that has an incline function.
  2. Set the incline and speed: Set the incline level to 12% and the speed to 3 mph.
  3. Warm-up: Before starting the workout, spend 5-10 minutes warming up by walking on the treadmill at a lower incline and speed.
  4. Start the workout: Once you’re warmed up, set the incline level to 12% and the speed to 3 mph, and walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes.
  5. Cool down: After completing the workout, spend 5-10 minutes cooling down by walking on the treadmill at a lower incline and speed.
  6. Repeat: You can repeat the 12 3 30 workouts 2-3 times per week, depending on your fitness level and goals.

Tips for getting the most out of the 12 3 30 workout

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the 12 3 30 workouts:

  • Wear supportive shoes: Make sure you wear comfortable, supportive shoes that are designed for walking or running.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after the workout to stay hydrated.
  • Use proper form: When walking on the treadmill, maintain proper form by standing up straight and swinging your arms naturally.
  • Increase the incline gradually: If you’re new to the 12 3 30 workout, start with a lower incline and gradually increase it over time as you build up your strength and endurance.
  • Mix it up: To prevent boredom and keep your body challenged, you can mix up your workouts by adding in different incline levels, speeds, or types of cardio exercises.

12 3 30 Workout Result

Many people who have tried the 12 3 30 workouts have reported seeing results in just a few weeks. Some of the common results of the 12 3 30 exercise include:

  1. Weight loss: With its high calorie-burning potential, the 12 3 30 workout can help you lose weight when combined with a healthy diet.
  2. Toned muscles: The high incline of the treadmill helps to tone and strengthen the lower body muscles, resulting in a more toned appearance.
  3. Increased endurance: Regularly doing the 12 3 30 workout can improve your cardiovascular endurance, allowing you to perform other physical activities with greater ease.

12 3 30 Treadmill Workout: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do the 12 3 30 workout outside?

While the workout was designed to be done on a treadmill, you can also perform it outside on a hill or incline.

Do I need to be in good shape to do the 12 3 30 workout?

The workout can be challenging, but it can be modified to suit your fitness level. Start with a lower incline and speed, and gradually increase it over time.

Can I do other exercises along with the 12 3 30 workout?

Yes, you can incorporate other exercises into your fitness routine, such as strength training or yoga.

How many calories can I burn with the 12 3 30 workout?

The number of calories burned will vary depending on your weight and fitness level, but on average, you can burn around 300-400 calories in a 30-minute session.

Is the 12 3 30 workout suitable for everyone?

The workout is low-impact and can be modified to suit different fitness levels, but as with any exercise program, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting.


The 12 3 30 treadmill workout is a simple and effective way to improve your fitness level, burn calories, and tone your lower body muscles. By incorporating this workout into your fitness routine 2-3 times per week, you can achieve great results in a short amount of time.

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