What are the Home Remedies for Dry Skin and Acne?

Does your skin often feel dry, itchy, and tight? Maybe because your skin is losing moisture easily and you are suffering from extremely dry skin. The other symptoms of dry skin are dry rashes, dry patches, redness of the skin, and skin irritation. While moisturiser and creams give you temporary relief, there are some tried and tested home remedies for dry skin.

Dry Skin Causes

Dry skin can be caused by various reasons which include environmental factors like taking hot showers, using harsh soaps on the skin, side effects of medicines. There are many reasons that you may not even be aware of that can cause dryness of the skin. Some of those reasons are as follows:

  • Use of detergents and harsh soaps
  • Due to high sugar level in the blood
  • Skin being exposed to the sun too much
  • Staying in the pool for a long time destroys the oily surface of the skin.
  • Age factor due to which skin loses its elasticity
  • Due to the side effects of strong medicines
  • Due to a bath with hot water for a long time
  • Because of the extreme weather condition

Home Remedies for Dry Skin and Acne

Dry skin will make you feel uncomfortable and it may need treatment faster. Although there are various moisturizers available some of them may contain lactic acid or urea which may cause a burning sensation on the skin.

So, if you are allergic to products that contain chemicals, here are some home remedies that can gently treat dry skin and acne:

1. Olive oil

Olive oil for dry skin

Olive oil is one of the best ingredients for dry skin and acne as it acts as a natural moisturizer as well as a cleanser. The best olive oil is the extra virgin one as it is anti-microbial, non-toxic, and hypoallergenic. It also has anti-oxidants and vitamin E that can repair damaged skin.  Gently rub oil into your face targeting the acne. After that, you can either remove the excess oil with the help of a cotton swab or apply a warm and damp cloth over your face.

So, the steam will allow the olive oil to penetrate deeper into the pores. Then you can rinse off with normal water. So, your skin will be nourished without being too oily.

2. Honey

Honey as Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Honey is another natural moisturizer for dry skin without any side effects. As a matter of fact, honey is equally effective for dry skin as well as oily skin. Raw, unfiltered honey has vitamins and active enzymes that are beneficial for the skin. Honey is effective in the treatment of acne because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Apply 1 tablespoon, raw honey, on wet skin leaving the eye area. Let it dry for 20 minutes and then wash it off.

3. Coconut oil

coconut oil for dry skin and acne

Coconut oil is an effective remedy for dry skin as well as acne. Many may suspect that this oil will be of little help in erasing acne as it is super hydrating. But coconut oil does help as it has antibacterial properties. Since acne is a type of infection on the skin, therefore, the anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties in the coconut oil help to fight acne and soothe dry skin. It is always recommended to use organic and virgin coconut oil as it will be pure and without any additives.

Just take some pure coconut oil and massage it gently on your face. After the oil gets absorbed completely you can wash it with a mild cleanser. Coconut oil is beneficial for extremely dry or extremely oily skin. Moreover, you can always do a patch test before applying coconut oil if you are allergic to it.

4. Aloe vera

aloe vera : Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Aloe vera helps in treating dry skin, redness, and irritation caused by extremely dry skin. It is an anti-oxidant that has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. While you can use pure aloe vera gel on your dry skin or you can mix with honey and one-fourth of cinnamon for a delicious face mask. keep it 5 to 10 minutes then rinse it properly for hydrated and nourished skin.

5. Papaya

Papaya benefit for skin

Papaya is equally helpful in moisturizing dry skin and removing acne. Rich in potassium papaya acts as a moisturizer for dull and dry skin. It also helps to soothe inflammation and sunburn. As papaya contains enzymes like chymopapain and papain so it can drastically reduce the appearance of acne as it removes dead skin that clogs pores. Just take the pulp of a papaya slice removing the seeds. In a blender add the pulp with one cup of water. Apply this mixture on your face with a cotton ball. Wash it with cold water after the mixture has dried.

You can also make a face mask with papaya, milk, and honey. Mash a ripe papaya and add milk and honey to it. Mix it properly until a fine paste is formed. Apply it thoroughly on your face and wash it after it has dried. You can skip the milk if you are allergic to dairy. It is a great dry skin home remedy.

6. Rice water

Rice water for dry skin treatment

Rice water has been used for ages to soothe dry and sun-damaged skin, it also helps to brighten the skin. You can also use it as a toner for dry and inflamed skin.

Take half a cup of raw rice and soak it for 30 minutes in 2 to 3 cups of water. Now, strain this water in a clean bottle. You can also refrigerate it for later use. You can use rice with honey, milk, or rolled oats for rejuvenated skin. Mix rice water with honey to get a smooth paste. Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. Another way you can add rice water with milk and rolled oats. First mix milk and oats to form a smooth paste. At last, add the rice water. Apply this face pack and let it dry for 10 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.

7. Milk

Milk for skin glow

Milk is famous for ages for its nourishing and moisturizing properties. It can be used alone or mixed with other ingredients to combat acne and dry skin. Raw milk helps to cleanse excess dirt and oil from the skin. The lactic acid in milk helps to fight microbes that cause pimples or acne on the skin. On a clean face apply raw milk to the face with the help of a cotton ball. This will slowly help eliminate acne from the face. You can also apply milk with various packs or add a pinch of turmeric to it to get that extra glow.

Final Words

Therefore, these are a few dry skin home remedies for acne. But these remedies will be helpful only if you have mild acne or dry skin. For extremely damaged skin it is advisable to always consult a dermatologist. There are also home remedies diets for dry skin which should be started only after consulting the doctor.

Moreover, it is recommended to always do a patch test before applying the above-mentioned ingredients. Since these are natural remedies so they may be gradually effective and depends upon how often you use them

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