How to Overcome Anxiety Disorder By Improving Eating Habits

Anxiety disorder and depression are quite common in today’s generation. One of the major reasons behind mental anxiety among youth is our lifestyle and eating habits. While nature has given us foods that are full of nutrients and extremely beneficial to overcome anxiety disorder, due to the lack of knowledge of such foods, people continue to eat junk food. Such junk foods are primarily responsible for affecting mental health. 

Overcome Anxiety Disorder By Eating These 10 Food Items

In this article, we will be talking about some of the edible things which are extremely beneficial for our mental health and help to overcome anxiety disorder and fear.

Here is the list of Food Items that Help Overcome Anxiety


Blueberries contain very high nutritional values which help to reduce anxiety in human beings. If you are suffering from anxiety then this is the best medicine for your problem. But many times people tend to eat food with extreme sugar, oil, and fats at times of anxiety due to extreme feelings of having one. But keep in mind that these things are worse for anxiety as the increased sugar levels in the body are responsible for the increase in anxiety.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts contain an extreme amount of selenium. Selenium is very good to reduce inflammation in the body. It is also considered an antioxidant. The psychologist gold coast also claimed that Brazil nuts are rich in vitamin E which is very good to cure diseases like depression and anxiety. 

The deficiency of vitamin E causes diseases like depression and anxiety. Brazil nuts are good for mental health but only if taken in proper proportion. You should avoid overdosing as it may also cause side. It is recommended that adults should eat four hundred micrograms of brazil nuts per day.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds to overcome anxiety disorder

Pumpkin seeds are responsible for affecting mood. These seeds are rich in potassium. Potassium is responsible for managing blood pressure and regulating the electrolyte balance. The deficiency of potassium in the body can also cause diseases like anxiety disorder and depression.

Therefore, the consumption of pumpkin seeds helps to overcome anxiety disorder and depression. In the human body, a large number of zinc deposits are found in the brain region involved with emotions. Hence the pumpkin seeds improve the mood of a person and also help him or her in mental anxiety treatment.

Salmon and Mackerel

Salmon and Mackerel for anxiety treatment

Salmon and Mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are extremely good for mental health. Studies have proved that if you consume omega-6, another fatty acid, and not much omega-3 there are chances that you may suffer from anxiety and depression. 

The research was done on the people involved with drug abuse, and it was found that people were cured of anxiety and depression from the omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon is also rich in vitamin D which helps to improve diseases like anxiety and depression.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate for anxiety disorder treatment

The experts suspect that dark chocolate helps to overcome anxiety and other mental disorders in human beings. There is no denying the fact that dark chocolate and cocoa help in the betterment of the mood in humans. Dark chocolate contains polyphenols, especially flavonoids which help to reduce cell death and neuroinflammation in the brain. 

It often improvises the flow of blood in the body. Dark chocolate also contains magnesium which is useful to reduce anxiety.

However, dark chocolate which contains milk does not help to reduce anxiety rather the fats in the milk increase anxiety. Hence, whenever you are buying dark chocolate, always buy with o% dairy product ingredients in it.

Barley and Oats

Barley and Oats for overcoming anxiety

Many of the researchers claimed that Barley and oats are the best supplementary foods to destroy anxiety completely. This kind of food helps our brain to regulate the levels of serotonin, which is very important for the betterment of the mood of a person. 

But these days grains like oats and barley are manufactured by using business pesticides which may harm your body after consumption. So always try to buy organic grains that will benefit your body after consumption.


Turmeric for anxiety treatment

The ingredient in turmeric which helps to reduce anxiety in humans is curcumin. It was found by biologists that the consumption of curcumin in the body of human beings reduces their anxiety and also improves their mood of a person. It is very useful for adults. The consumption of turmeric also provides DHA to the body of humans which results in a reduction in anxiety. Turmeric is easily available in the markets. It is also very easy to eat as it has a very lite taste.

Green Tea

Green Tea to overcome anxiety disorder

Green Tea is rich in the amino acid theanine, which is very useful to reduce anxiety in the body of humans and also improve mood disorders. Theanine acts as an anti-anxiety product for the brain and also increases the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. 

Serotonin is a very useful supplement to improve the mood of human beings.  Green Tea is very easily available in the markets. You can easily add green tea as a habit to your daily routine diet. You can have green tea instead of normal tea or any other soft drink.


Asparagus for mental disorder

Asparagus is a very beneficial edible product in terms of mental health concerns. It is said that a human being can suffer from anxiety when the amount of folic acid inside the body reduces. 

Asparagus is rich in vitamin B which by consumption our body converts into folic acid. Hence, it is a solution to reduce anxiety. It is good in taste hence people can consume it very easily without any hesitation. It is said that only one serving of asparagus provides only two-thirds of the folate value to an adult person which is very necessary for human beings.

Final Words

The above-mentioned foods are very easily available in the markets. If you are suffering from diseases like anxiety, and depression then it is very important for you to bring these foods into your daily routine diets.

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