Places You Should Avoid Going on a First Date

There are a lot of things to consider when planning a first date. Finalizing a first date location is much more intimidating than deciding how to get dressed up for the occasion. It seems to be an easy-peasy task; however, it can either make your date an enduring sight to cherish for years to come or an unforgettable one that will make you feel stupid about yourself. You want to make sure you choose a place that is comfortable for both you and your date. There are a few places to avoid on a first date that is too loud or crowded.

These days folks have picked up a creative approach to making their dates and places momentous. Most of them make it to what they desire, but the rest end up losing the date and never hearing from that person again. It’s because they forget that their creative side can be taken as their wildest side by the other person.

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At times the dating location you fixed mindlessly can portray you as a completely different individual to who you are in real life (You’ll realize this in no time).

In some cases, dating locations can antagonize your dating life. Well, we are here for your rescue. In this blog post, we will guide you with some places to avoid on a first date.

List of Places to Avoid on a First Date

If you’re looking for a first date that’s guaranteed to be memorable, then you’ll want to avoid these places at all costs!

Whether it’s the restaurant you choose, the conversation you have, or the overall vibe, first dates are tricky to navigate. However, one of the worst things you can do on a first date is choosing the wrong place to go.

There are a lot of different types of first date places, but not all of them are created equal. Some places are just too loud, too crowded, or too expensive to be ideal for a first date.

Here are a few places to avoid on a first date to make sure your evening is memorable for all the right reasons.

1. Inviting him/her to your accommodation is a terrible option.

Imagine yourself having a dinner date with your guy/girl but wait; you are not alone here. Your parents and your siblings are sitting beside staring at both of you constantly and smiling awkwardly. GOD, is this even a date. Who on earth invites her girl to his house? When are you going to have a one-on-one talk with her? In your room? And your parents outside pre-assuming the climax. For heaven’s sake, you are not 15 anymore. GROW UP.

Some readers: Dude, we live separately.

Come on, man, do you think that the girl you will meet for the first time will be comfortable at your place? Of course not. The first thought that’ll cross her mind would be that you are a psychopath who wants to trap and torcher her to death (just like the man in the movie “Psycho”). If not this, she might doubt your intention of you inviting her to your house.

Maybe she’ll never make it to your place, and perhaps she’ll never contact you again.

Therefore, inviting a girl to your house(especially on the first few dates ) is never recommended.

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2. Theatre “It’s a date, not a movie night.”

List of Places to Avoid on a First Date

I laughed my head off after reading about one of the weirdest dates on the internet. This guy asked a girl for a movie date, but they didn’t get consecutive seats and ended up sitting on two ends in the same row. They watched the movie, had their separate popcorn, and went their way.

Do you want your date to end this way?

Theatres is an old-school dating location. Think logically. Will you get sufficient time to know and talk to the girl while enjoying a movie? Believe me; you’ll feel much closer to the movie characters rather than the girl you were with. Hence theatres are a NO-NO for your first few dates.

I’ll say, “save it for later.”

3. CAR- a big NO

Long drives are electrifying. You get some excellent moments together, away from the rush, sharing conversations and inhaling some fresh air.

But wait, merely asking her for a long drive is not going to work. You’ll just pick her up from her place and drop her back after a 2-3 hours drive. This might portray you as someone stingy who cannot afford to take that girl to a decent restaurant.

Maybe she’ll never prefer going on a long drive on an abandoned road that you thought would be a magical and romantic site to explore. For her, it can be the worst nightmare ( a big MAYBE) where she’s with a stranger in a deserted place, and all of a sudden, this guy’s behavior changes, and he stops the car in the middle and leaps toward her with an ax.

This 4-wheeler date can work astonishingly well in the case you have got well known to the girl, and she’s ready to bare you for hours trapped inside a car.

4. To a place that’s out of your pockets

Everyone wants to make their date eventful, though we end up breaking the banks. It’s better to avoid taking your date to a place your pockets can’t afford or else stay short on cash for the rest of the month.

Check here for the Best First Date Gifts for Your Boyfriend

5. Somewhere your partner isn’t confident about

If your date doesn’t feel comfortable at packed restaurants or fancy bars, you should respect her preferences and avoid fixing such locations. Suppose you set these places for your date and let’s suppose that she joins you there reluctantly. In that case, she won’t be comfortable and will not be able to connect with you properly as she’ll be dealing/fighting with her insecurities within herself.

Also, ensure you’re not taking her to any sports event, debate competition, or political gathering. She is not going with you on a date again. “MARK IT”

Therefore a big NAY to such places.

6. A Restaurant

Places to be Avoided on a First Date

While restaurants can be a great choice for a first date, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to choose a restaurant that’s not too expensive. You don’t want to start your date off by spending a lot of money on a meal. Second, you’ll want to choose a restaurant that’s not too crowded. You don’t want to feel like you’re on a date with a bunch of other people. Third, you’ll want to choose a restaurant that has a good atmosphere. You want to feel relaxed and comfortable, not like you’re in a rushed or stressful environment.

7. Clubs or bars

BAR and Club

What do you want out of the date? If you desire to get drunk as a skunk with your girl and end up having a little slice of heaven or, even worse, puking on each other YUCK and never seeing each other again after that, go for it. If you see a long relationship budding from these dates, it’s better to avoid these places and prefer a more decent place.

Moreover, because of their loud and noisy nature, these places don’t allow you to have an excellent and connecting conversation with your date. Trust me, you’ll wake up with a hoarse throat the next day.

8. Places you have had moments with your ex

Fixing a place where you have had plenty of sweet-sour memories with your ex is highly discouraged. Revisiting those places and that also with your date will rewind those memories, and this complex and emotional web would eat half of the attentiveness, leaving you off track during your date. You want your date to feel like they’re in a new place, and you don’t want to run into someone you know.

So you got to decide on a location you haven’t explored with your exes, as simple as that.

9. Your friends

You cannot be more stupid than involving your friends in your date. It’s the time when you should be concerned with your date and no one else. Hanging out with your friends on a date may make the girl feel a bit left out, or she may start taking you as a friend, ultimately friend zoning you.

But let me point out the worst outcome, what if she starts seeing one of your friends after that meeting? You are going to regret your decision to let your friends in. So next time you go on a date, don’t allow your friends to ramble near you.

10. Shopping mall

If you are thinking of taking the girl to the mall for a date, don’t go with this dumb decision. I understand that girls are shopaholics, but this doesn’t mean that you are fixing malls as your dating location.

Here you unknowingly portray yourself as a sexist and want them to dress your way. And come on, who wants to go shopping on their first date. GROW UP!

11. Don’t choose a place that’s too far away

You don’t want to have to travel for hours just to get to your date, and you don’t want your date to have to do the same.


First dates can be tricky, but if you avoid these places, you’ll be sure to have a great time. Be imaginative while deciding the location but ensure you are not overimaginative.

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